January 21, 2022 1 minute

What is tutomd and what to expect from it?

Here you will see step by step what to expect from tutomd.

What is tutomd?

tutomd is a command-line tool capable of generating structured tutorials, just like this one you are reading, out of Markdown files.

The output generated by tutomd is highly inspired by the tutorials from Unity Learn platform. (See one example)

The “article” page

Article pages are just like the one you’re seeing right now. They’re broken down to the following sections:

  • Summary: A highlighted section with a header image (optional) and an overview on what the reader will learn by the end of the article.
  • Multiple steps (actionable or not): Each step can be checked as “complete” by the reader.

The last “step” encourages the reader to continue reading through to the next articles. This last step is generated automatically.

The “index” page

The index page is optional, and can contain an overview of a combination of multiple articles, followed by a link to each separate article.

See the “index” of this tutorial

Finished 1 of 4:

What is `tutomd` and what to expect from it?


2. Installing `tutomd`

Mark all complete and continue

Continue without marking complete