January 21, 2022 1 minute

Installing tutomd

You are going to need a few tools installed on your local machine before getting started.

In this tutorial, you’ll be able to set up your local environment to use tutomd.

1. Install Software Requirements

Download and Install Node.js

The structured tutorial generator (tutomd) is written in Node.js, you will need to download and install it.

It is recommended to install the LTS version:

Click here to Download Node.js

Download and Install Visual Studio Code

You’re going to need a text editor that supports editing Markdown (*.md) files.

Click here to Download Visual Studio Code

Install the tutomd tool

Now that you have Node.js installed, you can use your terminal to download the tutomd binary.

Run the following command to make it available globally:

npm install -g tutomd

Now, let’s confirm if you have the tutomd command available by running this command:

tutomd --help

You should see something similar to this on your terminal:


  $ tutomd <dir>

  <dir>  generate from directory contents

For more info, run any command with the `--help` flag:
  $ tutomd --help

  --out <dir>                         output directory (default: output)
  --created-at <timestamp>            tutorial creation date (number of milliseconds since the unix epoch) (default: Fri Jan 21 2022 11:06:14 GMT-0300 (Brasilia Standard Time))
  --date-format <format>              date format [more info: https://github.com/knowledgecode/date-and-time#formatdateobj-arg-utc] (default: MMMM D, YYYY)
  --theme <css-file>                  theme path (default: /Users/endel/Projects/tutomd/template/default.css)
  --unsplash-access-key <access-key>  unplash.com api key for generating section thumbnail images
  -h, --help                          Display this message
  -v, --version                       Display version number

Finished 2 of 4:

Installing `tutomd`


3. Markdown Essentials

Mark all complete and continue

Continue without marking complete